Interesting side story here. I am particularl…

28 11 2006

Interesting side story here. I am particularly interested in the fact that the game makes American soldiers appear to be invincible. That certainly could not be further from the truth. I mean, even Captain America has to deal with mortality sometimes, and he is a superhero. Nonetheless, it seems as though recruiters are trying to sell the video-game generation on the thrill of real-life combat in an attempt to beef up the ground forces they can send to foreign countries. Except there is no reset button in Iraq. Am I wrong?

Shocking news!

26 11 2006

I only post this because it relates to my Collegian article for this week, and because it is a conversation no one is really having. What does this say that this happens at least once a month somewhere?

Thanks a bunch, Republicans. Aren’t they supp…

26 11 2006

Thanks a bunch, Republicans. Aren’t they supposed to be, if nothing else, good with money? Apparently not. Your thoughts, my loyal readers?

If this trend continues, we will lose our superpower status a lot sooner than we all expected, I would think – most governmental power comes from money and military, and we are losing both real quick…

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. Something I am d…

25 11 2006

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.

Something I am definitely, definitely, not thankful for.

More shocking news Or is it, really? The victim s…

21 11 2006

More shocking news

Or is it, really? The victim suffered from mental illness, and weighed about as much as an average female cheerleader, according to most reports – was he really a threat to multiple police officers? This is starting to make me very sick.

Could a decreased or lack of American presence…

20 11 2006

Could a decreased or lack of American presence in Iraq really be a possibility sometime soon? The rising star of the Democratic party seems to think so. What do you think? Can we pull out? Or have we done too much to ruin Iraq, and hence, feel the need to stick around and try to undo some damage?

LA Lovin’

19 11 2006

In an awesome example of a story becoming a big deal, the UCLA library story has now become fodder for a sports humor site because another man got tasered for doing pretty much nothing. Oh glorious day, my worlds of sports and politics have collided. It seems, however, that the police are going a little nutty with tasers lately, huh? I don’t mean to stir up the pot any further, but did anyone else notice the video capture of the fellow who got tasered in Michigan?? I’m not saying anything, I’m just saying…

So this story has sort of been floating around…

18 11 2006

So this story has sort of been floating around over the past few years, but it may take on some more significance now that Rep. Charles Rangel will become the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, which is a fairly influential post.

The irony of the story, of course, is that Rangel is almost certainly staunchly anti-war, and that the reason he is fighting for a draft is that it will prevent future wars.

It is his belief that Senators would not approve of war legislation if it meant that their own sons and daughters might be conscripted to fight and perhaps die in a foreign land. At present, of course, the armed forces tend to recruit from pools that senator’s children probably do not spend too much time swimming in. Does anyone agree with this tactic? Or does it seem like Rangel might be getting too clever for his own good, and that it might backfire, with a larger standing military leading to more wars?

Shocking, simply shocking.

17 11 2006

 Yes,007 said it best, but I say it again to reference a disturbing incident out west.


Seriously, don’t hit play if you can’t stomach violence.

So, for those of you who are looking for an explanation of what happened, here is a pretty good summary. There are about a million different ways to start this conversation, but here are a few:

1. Does anyone think this would have happened to a Caucasian student?
2. What should happen to those “police officers?”
3. If campus cops feel justified to do this, then is it any wonder that we are slowly moving towards a police state?
4. The student in the white t-shirt was threatening with a taser for asking for the police officer’s badge number. In case you didn’t know, asking for such identification information is well within the scope of the law, and a civil right of Americans. What is this country coming to when exercising civil rights is cause for being threatened?

Painful irony

13 11 2006

A man who has done more for civil rights than any of us could ever dream of being honored by a man who has done more to strip Americans of their civil rights than any of us could ever dream about. Does this seem kind of horrifically ironic to anyone else, or am I just being too cynical?